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Shareholding Body and Governance

The Management Board

Praemia REIM France brings together 200 professionals around a Management Board composed of Marc Bertrand  (Chairman of the Management Board) et Tristan Mahaut (Secretary General).

Marc Bertrand Chairman of the Management Board
Marc Bertrand Chairman of the Management Board

Tristan Mahaut Secrétaire Général
Tristan Mahaut General Secretary

Composition of the Steering Committee

Veronica Basallo-Rossignol Directeur Marketing et Communication
Veronica Basallo-Rossignol Marketing and Communication Director

Vanessa Beau Directeur Juridique
Vanessa Beau Legal Director

Antoine Depigny Directeur Développement
Antoine Depigny Development Director

Olivier Gaillot Directeur des systèmes d’information
Olivier Gaillot Information Systems Director

Didier Louge Directeur des Expertises
Didier Louge Valuation Director

Catherine Martin Directeur Fund Management
Catherine Martin Fund Management Director

Justine Mougin Directeur Conformité et Contrôle Interne
Justine Mougin Compliance and Internal Audit Director

Christophe Perriot Directeur Administratif et Comptable
Christophe Perriot Administrative and Accounts Director

Stéphane Sebban
Stéphane Sebban Director of Digital Transformation and Customer Relations

Charles Ragons Directeur Asset Management
Charles Ragons Investment & Asset Management Director

The supervisory bodies

The Supervisory Board

Praemia REIM is supervised by a Supervisory Board composed of 5 members, 2 of whom are independent. It meets at least 4 times a year to exercise the ongoing supervision of the management of the Company by the Management Board. 

The Compliance & Internal Audit Committee

This Committee meets quarterly and deals with issues of compliance and control of the management company. The results of the audit works carried out, the state of progress of the compliance projects (rollout of new regulations, for example), and the action plans implemented to remedy malfunctions found or improve existing processes are referred here.

The Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Committee

This twice-yearly committee is an offshoot of the Compliance & Internal Audit Committee and specifically deals with issues relating to the control of money laundering and terrorist financing. 

The Risk Committee 

This committee meets several times a year to validate the risk budgets of the vehicles managed by Praemia REIM. It identifies the evolutions and main trends of the risks, so as to best predict them. Lastly, it monitors identified risks (monitoring of indicators, notably) and supervises the action plans implemented to control these risks.

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