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4 ways to invest in SCPI

There are a number of different ways to invest in an SCPI (collective property investment trust). Your choice will depend on your financial availabilities, your personal situation and your investment objectives.

SCPI: Invest in cash or credit*
Investing in cash :

  • invest available savings

Investing on credit*:

  • Build up a real estate portfolio with a reduced savings effort (the rental income allows you to repay all or part of your loan).
  • Reduce the fisacel pressure on the income distributed by the SCPI thanks to the deduction of loan interest.

* A loan commits you and must be repaid. Check your ability to repay before committing yourself. The income generated by the SCPI alone should not be taken into account when making repayments, as these are not guaranteed.

SCPI: Invest directly or via a life insurance policy

  • Access all the SCPIs on the market
  • Receive 100% of the income distributed by the SCPI
  • Benefit from reduced taxation depending on your situation
  • Optimize the transfer of shares to your relatives

SCPI : Invest in temporary dismemberment of ownership
Share the full ownership of the SCPI by holding the bare ownership or the usufruct

  • Choose bare ownership if you do not need immediate additional income but want to reduce your tax burden


  • Choose the usufruct and receive all the potential income generated by the SCPI.


  • Investing in SCPI units involves risks, including the risk of capital loss.
  • The liquidity of SCPI units is not guaranteed by the management company.
  • The SCPI is exposed to real estate market risk, which may have a negative impact on the value of the assets held by the SCPI.
  • The potential income of the SCPI, which is mainly derived from the rents received, as well as the value of the units, may vary upwards or downwards and is not guaranteed.
  • Investment in SCPI units should be considered for the long term. The recommended investment period is 10 years. Before subscribing to any SCPI units, the investor must be given the information memorandum, the articles of association, the DIC, the subscription form, the latest information bulletin and the latest annual report. These documents are available from the management company.

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