Tertiary Eco-Energy Device

A regulatory obligation committing tertiary sector actors to energy sobriety.

Download our practical guide to the Eco énergie tertiaire scheme

What is the Tertiary Eco-Energy Scheme?

The scheme (also known as the "Tertiary Decree") is a regulatory obligation that concerns owners and occupants of tertiary buildings over 1000 m2. The actors must, for their premises concerned, meet the following obligations:

  • Declare the consumption of occupied premises before September 30, 2022
  • Reduce energy consumption by 40% by 2030 (50% by 2040 and 60% by 2050)​​​​​​


The objective of reducing consumption can be achieved in 2 ways:

Dispositif eco-energie

Achieving the target in relative terms

The targeted consumptions are to be reached in relation to a reference year, defined for each building (-40% by 2030)

Achieving the target in absolute terms

Depending on the category of activity of the tenant, specific usage data and geographical location

More information on the ADEME website: https://operat.ademe.fr

Comment s’engager avec Praemia REIM France ?

​​​​​​​​​Whether you occupy 100 or 1000 m2, as soon as the building is eligible, each tenant must declare its consumptions before September 30, 2022.


​​​​​​In order to assist you in your regulatory obligations, Praemia REIM France proposes to organize the automation of the collection and declaration of your energy data ! They will be collected directly by our partner Deepki from the network operators (Enedis, GRDF) allowing to recover the consumption flows in kilo Watt hour (kWh).




​​​​​​​To do this, we need to get from you,


As far as possible, your energy bills for the period 2010-2019

A signed mandate letter that will allow Deepki to automate the collection of your energy consumption data

Key figures

Assets involved
Property Managers involved in the process
1 600
Beautiful subjugated
Buildings will undergo an energy audit in 2022
Tertiary Decree" delegation mandates already provided
1 800
Identified energy meters
3 392 807 m2
Subject to the Tertiary Eco-Energy Scheme